School Life

We deliver a fun and exciting, inclusive child-friendly curriculum that enables all children to learn and progress in a safe, challenging and supportive atmosphere

Classroom Inclusivity

All students, regardless of any challenges they may have, are placed in age-appropriate general education classes...

In general education classes, students receive high-quality instruction, interventions and support that enable them to meet success in the core curriculum.

The Key stakeholders (Regular teachers, Special needs teachers, all other staff and parents) are driven by the principle that all learners feel welcome, appropriately challenged, and supported in their efforts.

We strive to ensure that all learners

Feel Appropriately
Feel Supported
in their efforts

Teachers therefore engage learners through accepting, understanding and attending to their differences and diversity in Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional, speech or Occupational Therapy Sessions to achieve Exceptional Goals.

For individualized differentiated learning to make sure no one is left behind.

Special Needs Education

We engage learners through accepting, understanding and attending to their differences anpersity.

When our Differently-Abled learner’s needs are not fully met in the general classroom, they spend part of the day in a pullout session or in a resource room in-order to improve their Educational outcomes.

Beading strengthens the ability of a leaner to be able to control their muscles, stay on task and problem solve among others

Cohesive Team

General education teachers and specialists work together in the learning environment to offer additional support for all the learners.

Dynamic Teaching

We give flexible approaches to instructions (customized and adjusted) to address different learning styles. This is based on the fact that all children are valued equally and deserve access to the same opportunities.

Teacher Training

Constant training for teachers is done on how to deliver differentiated curriculum and instruction for greater academic goals.

Occupational Therapy Session: These sessions have a calming effect on the daily activities of these learners with Neuro-diverse issues.

Extracurricular Activities

In the learner’s academic life, the significance of extra-curriculum activities is not overlooked!

These activities inculcate real-world skills in the learners as well as a way of blossoming their personalities for opportunities in a competitive world.

There are extra-curriculur activities that are examinable like Art Craft, Music and physical education.


Art and Craft is fun and hands-on. Creative Skills are to be developed regardless of age, gender, educational qualifications and backgrounds.

Home Science as a life skill for better living.

It is our belief that participation in these hands-on skill activities renders a significant contribution in stimulating the mind-sets of the learners and motivates them during learning.

Our Classes

We concentrate on Holistic approach of learning and engagement.

Emphasis is on the physical, emotional and psychological well- being of the children in their natural environment in order to build a strong relationship through active learning and social activities.

This approach allows children to achieve their milestones on time which is seen to dramatically increase, positive emotional impact because of the different interest area that are set up to resonate with various aspects of the child’s growth.

Manageable classes to be handled by specific teachers.

View all our Classes
